NASSR Sponsored Sessions
Gothic Facts and Fantasies (Organized by Chris Bundock)
- Ashley Cross (Manhattan College), "Creature Matter(s): Gothic Feedback Loops and Frankenstein’s New Forms"
- Chris Bundock (Essex), "‘(T)aking a different shape before my eyes’: Mutability in Edgeworth’s Harrington and Marsh’s The Beetle."
- Nicola Bowring (Nottingham Trent University), "‘Terrorist Novel Writing’ and Travel: France as Gothic Space during the Revolution"
Blake's Bodies (Organized by Elizabeth Effinger)
- Chris Bundock (Regina), "Nerves, Hypochondria, and the Fibrous Imagination in Blake's Jerusalem"
- Diane Piccitto (MSVU), "Bodies and Becoming in Blake's Milton"
- Tilottama Rajan (UWO), "Devolution and Involution: The Ontogenesis of Blake's Corpus in the Urizen Books"
Romanticism and the Anthropocene I (Organized by Elizabeth Effinger)
- Jacob Leveton (Northwestern), "Coal Ash & The Atmosphere of Romanticism: Art/COP21 in Paris”
- Kate Singer (Mt. Holyoke) and Chris Washington (Francis Marion), “Intersex Intertexts: Wollstonecraft, Shelley, Barad, and Feminist Performative Politics in the Anthropocene”
- Michelle Louise Poland (Lincoln), “A Perilous Prognosis: Understanding Ecological Dismemberment in the Franklin Expedition and Mary Shelley’s The Last Man”
Romanticism and the Anthropocene II (Organized by Elizabeth Effinger)
- Andrew Barbour (Berkeley), “Habitats for Humanity: Burke, Wordsworth, and Theorizing Environmental Action”
- Elizabeth Bernath (Toronto), “‘Romantic Anthropogenicity’ in the Early Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge”
- Bo Earle (UBC), “‘A Shadow of a Magnitude’: A Negatively Capable Anthropocene”
Life Less (Organized by David Collings)
- Joel Faflak (Western), “Still Here”
- David Clark (McMaster), “Life Less”
- Jacques Khalip (Brown), “Has Been”
Beyond Sympathy: Affect and the Body in Romanticism (Organized by Chris Bundock)
- Leila Walker (St. Lawrence University), “The Intimacy of the Unknown: Recovering Thomas Brown.”
- Ben Sudarsky (Harvard), “Sympathy Pain: the ‘Cruel Optimism’ of Shelley’s Prometheus.”
- Kate Singer (Mount Holyoke College), “‘Unremitting Interchange’: Smith, Shelley, and New Materialities of Affect”
Romantic Anarchy/Anarchist Romanticism: Rethinking the Aesthetics and Politics of Romanticism (Organized by Jared McGeough)
- Luke R. J. Maynard (Western Ontario), “‘Heroes of Unwritten Story’: Canadian Spoken Word, Slam Poetry and the Anarchist Legacy of Romanticism”
- Christopher Scott Satterwhite (West Florida), “George Dyer and the ‘knowing Rascals’: Romanticism, Anarchism, and the Prison Industrial Complex”
- J.A. Weingarten (Concordia), “Anarchical Modernism and the ‘Old Poetry’ in Canadian Literature”
“Food for Future Years”: The Future of Wordsworth/Wordsworth's Futures (Organized by Jared McGeough)
- Christopher Bundock (Huron), “‘Like a fear to come’: Dislocated Affect in The Prelude”
- Joel Faflak (Western Ontario), “Wasted Wordsworth”
Romantic Ephemerality (Organized by Jonathan Sachs)
- Theresa Michele Kelley (Wisconsin – Madison) "Narrative Futures"
- Anahid Nersessian (Columbia) "Romantic Land Art"
- Ian Duncan (Berkeley) "Human Time: Rousseau, Buffon, Herder"
Interrogating Romanticism: Cultures of Print (Organized by James Allard)
- Lindsey Eckert (Georgia State) “Familiarity and Technological Innovation: The Manuscript Culture of Printed Literary Annuals”
- Julia Grandison (Toronto) “Reading for Time: The Influence of the Almanac in the Romantic Period”
- Luke Maynard (Huron) “‘A Certain Portion of Uncertain Paper’: Celebrity, Self-Fashioning, and Lord Byron’s Lost Memoirs”
Romantic Science (Organized by James Allard)
- Michelle Faubert (Manitoba) “Werther Goes Viral: Contagious Suicide in Romantic Literature”
- Brittany Pladek (U of King’s C) “‘Ending stories’: Romanticism, Narrative Medicine, and Beddoes’s Death’s Jest-Book”
- Michele Speitz (Furman) “Lyrical Ballads and Lithic Culture, Wordsworthian Geopoetics and Formal Contingency”
Romanticism and Systems (Organized by Mark E. Canuel)
- Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud (Tennessee – Knoxville) "Form and Reform: Radical Constitutionalism and the Shelleyan Sublime"
- Andrew Franta (Utah) "Systematicity without Systems"
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "Models for System: Architectonic, Anatomy, Physiology"
Wasting Romanticism (Organized by Joel Faflak)
- Richard C. Sha (American) "Romantic Emotion as Waste"
- Karen Guendel (Boston) "The Digestive Mind of Samuel Taylor Coleridge"
- Christopher Rovee (Louisiana State – Baton Rouge) "Discipline and Discard: Ransom, Wordsworth, and 'Romanticism, Inc.'"
The Nature of Extinction: Romantic Ends (Organized by Christopher Bundock)
- Eric Miller (Victoria) “Last and lasting in Wordsworth and Coleridge”
- Josh Lambier (Western Ontario) “Romantic Disaster: Kant, Shelley and the Ends of Man”
- Kevin Hutchings (UNBC) “‘We shall soon be extinct as a people’: Romanticism, Nature, and the ‘Vanishing American’”
“The unimaginable touch of time”: Romantic Histories (Organized by Christopher Bundock)
- Rebecca Gagan (Victoria) “Being in Time in Schelling’s Clara”
- Amanda Paxton (York) “Romantic Flashbacks: Opium and Bergsonian Duration”
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) “Analeptic Time: Hays, Godwin, and Radical Historiography at the Fin de Siècle”
Romanticism and Theories of Emotion (Organized by Richard Sha)
- Daniel Block (Hampshire Coll.) "Romantic New Historicism and Its Afteraffects"
- Steven Richard Goldsmith (Berkeley) "Rembrandt and the Face of Materialism: 1757–1824"
- Karen Swann (Williams Coll.) "Posthumous Affection: The Legacies of Keats and Shelley"
Romantic Bodies in Performance (Organized by Nathaniel Leach)
- Moderator: Joel Faflak (Western Ontario)
- Shalon Noble (Western Ontario) “Prometheus Unbound and Lucretius: The Clinamen Performed”
- Andrew Bretz (Guelph) “The Sleeping and the Dead: Lady Macbeth and Visual Art”
- Nathaniel Leach (Cape Breton) “Knave… or Not?: Lavater, Holcroft and the Face of Misanthropy”
Romanticism and (Ir)responsibility (Organized by Nathaniel Leach)
- Jeff King (Western Ontario) “'So let it be!': Radical Vulnerability and Irresponsible Desire in 'Christabel'”
- Mark Diachyshyn (Dalhousie) “The Bawdy Politic: John Thelwall’s Corporal Conceptions in 'The Song of Eros or Triumph of Love'
- Chris Bundock (Duke) “Kant's Fine Balance”
History: Discipline or Counterscience? (Organized by Tilottama Rajan)
- Deborah Elise White (Emory) "Undisciplined Histories"
- Christopher Bundock (Duke) "The 'Discipline' of History: Kantian Prophecy and Counterscience"
- Jason Martin Wirth (Seattle) "Squandering: Schelling and the Fossil Record"
Romanticism and Genre (Organized by Julia M. Wright)
- David Shakespeare (Waterloo) “The Interrupted Wedding Ceremony in Ann Radcliffe's The Italian”
- Jeremy DeVito (Dalhousie) “'It's Alive; It's ALIVE!': The Popular Revisioning of Shelley's Frankenstein Myth”
- Mark A. McCutcheon (Athabasca) “The Cento Genre and Intellectual Property in Romantic Literary Production”
Thinking through Form: Romantic Biography (Organized by Denise Gigante)
- Stanley Plumly (Maryland – College Park) “Keats’s Odes: A Biography”
- Ranita Chatterjee (California State – Northridge) “Biographical Tendencies: William Godwin’s Production of Wollstonecraft”
- Maureen McCue (Glasgow) “One City’s Story: British Romanticism and the Biographies of Renaissance Florence”
Romanticism and Print Culture I (Organized by Michael Eberle-Sinatra and Jon Sachs)
- Tilar Mazzeo (Colby): “Printmaking, Print Culture, and Fabric: William Blake’s Jerusalem”
- Alan Bewell (Toronto): “Nature and Print Culture”
- Tim Fulford (Nottingham Trent): “Printing the Landscape: Painters, Poets and the Genre of Views”
Romanticism and Print Culture II (Organized by Michael Eberle-Sinatra and Jon Sachs)
- Julie Murray (Carleton): “Histories of Female Progress in Memoirs of Modern Philosophers”
- Chris Lendrum (Ottawa): “'Our Heart is Theirs': Editors, Readers and Audience Formation in Romantic Periodicals”
Romanticism and the Antisocial (Organized by Tilottama Rajan)
- David L. Clark (McMaster) “Does Not Play Well with Others: Unsocial Kant”
- Adam Rzepka (Chicago) “Reverie and the Rupture of the Social in Reveries of a Solitary Walker and Walden”
- Jacques Khalip (Brown) “Still Time: Romanticism of the Encounter”
Romantic Anticapitalism Revisited (Organized by Deborah Elise White)
- Daniel DeWispelare (Penn) “The Language of Land: The Radical Grammars of Thomas Spence and William Cobbett”
- Orrin N. C. Wang (Maryland – College Park) “Shelley, Keats, and the Long Twentieth Century”
- Michael T. R. Demson (CUNY) “‘Ye Are Many—They Are Few’: Percy Shelley and the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union”
Romantic Encounters: Medicine, Slavery, Psychiatry (Organized by George Grinnell)
- Daniel Burgoyne (Malaspina) "'Breaking on the Rack' of vicarious death: Voyeurism, Abolition, and Revolution in John Gabriel Stedman and William Blake"
- Joel Faflak (Western Ontario) "'Was it for this?': Romantic Psychiatry and the Addictive Pleasures of Moral Management"
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "Excitability: Schelling's Volatile History"
The Romantic Psyche: Discipline and Organization (Organized by Joel Faflak)
- Richard C. Sha (American) “Romantic Science and the (Im)Materiality of the Imagination”
- Suzie Asha Park (Eastern Illinois) “Disciplining the Romantic Need to Know: Emotions without Agents in Scott’s The Heart of Midlothian”
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) “The Psyches of History: Schelling’s Historiography from the First Outline to Ages of the World”
Romanticism and Comparative Literature: Institutional and Phantasmatic Intersections (Organized by Marc Redfield)
- Elizabeth Fay (Massachusetts – Boston) “Comparative Visions: Shelley, Hegel, and the Monumental”
- Deborah Elise White (Emory) “Books on Fire: Romanticism and the Crisis of Reading”
- Brian McGrath (Clemson) “Refuge for the Homeless: Between Romanticism and Comparative Literature”
Romanticism and Experience (Organized by Alex Dick)
- D.M.R. Bentley (Western Ontario) “Coming to be at Home in English Canada: A Phenomenological Approach to Early Canadian Writing”
- Michelle Faubert (Manitoba) “Moral Management, the Practical Use of Poetry, and the Popular Face of Psychology”
- Rebecca Gagan (Western Ontario) “Antagonistic Bildung: Kant and the Experiences of Enlightenment”
Romanticism and the Media (Organized by Alex Dick)
- Laila Ferraira (UBC) “Selling Romanticism: Wordsworth and Public Discourse in the Literary Marketplace”
- George C. Grinnell (Cornell) “Ethics in the Face of Terror: Percy Shelley and the Medusa”
- Jon Saklofske (Acadia) “Beyond the Archive: Using new Media to Illuminate William Blake’s Narrative Play”
Aesthetics and Nation in Romantic Theory and Literature (Organized by Adam Carter)
- D.M.R. Bentley (Western Ontario) “’Sunshine,’ ‘Pitiless Severity,’ and the ‘Utmost Variety’: Climate and Scenery as Determinants of National Identity and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Canada”
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) “The Ends of Art: Hegel’s Symbolic Art and Schelling’s Historiography in The Ages of the World”
- Wayne C. Ripley (Winona State) “English Citizenship and Nationhood in Barbauld’s Dissenting Poetics and Politics”
Ethics of Romanticism (Organized by Peter Melville)
- Joel Faflak (Western Ontario) "Christabel and the Ethics of Feeling in Romantic Psychoanalysis”
- David L. Clark (McMaster) "'If I imagine myself to be an animal': Regarding Kant's Brutes”
- Anthony John Harding (Saskatchewan) "Reading Romanticism's Ethics of Reading: Wollstonecraft and Coleridge”
Bodies of Knowledge: The Organization of Romanticism (Organized by Peter Melville)
- James Robert Allard (Brock) "Thomas Beddoes and the Body in 'Social Medicine'”
- George C. Grinnell (Cornell) "De Quincey's Political Economies of Infirmity”
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "The Body of Knowledge: Hegel, Fluidity, Encyclopedics”
Nation and Migration I (Organized by Julia Wright & Marjorie Stone)
- Robert Lapp (Mount Allison) "Galt's Bogle Corbet: Biedermeier Emigré"
- Daniel Hannah (Leeds) "Transatlantic Passages: Ships and Transnational Narratives in the Nineteenth Century"
- Jessica Howell (California – Davis) "Mrs. Seacole Prescribes Hybridity"
Nation and Migration II (Organized by Julia Wright & Marjorie Stone)
- Elizabeth Galway (Lethbridge) "Where Only the Strong Survive: Portrayls of the British Migrant in Canada in Nineteenth-Century Children's Fiction"
- Lucas Tromly (Manitoba) "Regional Nostalgia and Fin de Siècle Modernism: Oscar Wilde and the Postbellum South”
Byron and his Others (Organized by Mervyn Nicholson)
- Marjorie Stone (Dalhousie) “Wedding Lord Byron to Mary Wollstonecraft: Poetic Creativity, Self-Defining Memories, and the Genesis of Aurora Leigh”
- Arnd Bohm (Carleton) “Nimrod in Byron’s Sardanapalus: Kith and Kind”
- Joshua David Gonsalves (Dalhousie) “Byron—In-Between Sade and Lautréamont: Resuscitating Evil in the Nineteenth-Century”
The Periodical Press and Romantic Innovation (Organized by Ina Ferris)
- Esther Wohlgemut (Prince Edward Island) “‘Goblins of Alarm’: Conspiracy Narrative and the Periodical Press”
- Pamela Perkins (Manitoba) “Voicing Authority: Christian Isobel Johnstone as Editor and Novelist”
- Paul Keen (Carleton) “‘This Various Entertainment’: Commercial Modernity and the Periodical Press”
Romantic Problems (Organized by Mervyn Nicholson)
- Nat Leach (Brock) “Maturin’s Melmoth the Wanderer: Romantic Violence and the Ethics of Excess”
- Mervyn Nicholson (University College of the Cariboo) “What’s Wrong with the New Historicism? Romantic Narrative and the Failure of a New Historicist Analysis”
- Maximiliaan Van Woudenberg (Sheridan Institute of Technology) “Travelling Texts and the Byronic Hero: The Intertextual Commentary on ‘Information Overload’ in Byron’s Manfred”
Symptoms of Romanticism (Organized by Jan Plug)
- Joel Faflak (Laurier) "The Symptom of a Case"
- Dino Felluga (Purdue) "Making Every Body Nervous: Quacks, Hacks, and England’s Tropic Body"
- Stephen Ahern (Acadia) "Diagnosing Romanticism: Cultural Dis-ease and the Body of Sensibility"
Romanticism and the Foreign (Organized by Jan Plug)
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "Philosophy in a Foreign Language: Hegel's Histories of Spirit"
- David L. Clark (McMaster) "‘The Palestinians, living among us’: Kant’s Neighborhoods"
- Peter Melville (Cornell) "Hospitality, Death, and Foreignness in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man"
Romantic Authority (Organized by Karen Weisman)
- Karen Weisman (Toronto) "The Authority of Elegy"
- Paul Keen (Carleton) "'The Collision of Mind with Mind: Literary Authority and the Public Sphere"
- Terry Ogden (Manitoba) "The Authority of the Reader According to Wordsworth"
The Poetry of Fiction (organized by Dino Felluga)
- Emily Allen (Purdue) "Doctoring Byron: A Novel Cure"
- Beth Lau (California State) "Jane Austen and the Romantic Poets: The Uses and Abuses of Imagination"
- Carrie Runstedler (Saskatchewan) "Questioning the Limits of Aesthetics and Ethics: The Roles of Poetry and the Novel in Walsingham"
- Respondent: Jay Clayton (Vanderbilt)
Romantic Obligations (organized by David Clark)
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "The Scene of Judgment: Trial and Confession in Godwin's Novels"
- Peter Melville (McMaster) "Competing Obligations: Coleridge and the Fort-Da Game of Hospitality"
- Sharon M. Twigg (Wisconsin – Madison) "Resisting the Redemptive Contract in Valperga"
The Depressions of Romanticism (Organized by Steven Bruhm)
- David L. Clark (McMaster) "Return of the Mummy: Mourning Schelling"
- Natasha Hurley (Rutgers) "Killing Romanticism in the Form of a Child: The Vehement Malaise of Nineteenth-Century American Poetry"
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "Dis-Figured Reproduction: Melancholy and Abjection in the 1790s Novel"
Comparative Romanticisms (Organized by Angela Esterhammer)
- Sibylle Erle (Philipps-Universitat Marburg/St. Mary’s College, Strawberry Hill) "The Ghost of a Flea"
- Peter Melville (McMaster) "Staging the Nation: Hospitable Performances in Kant’s Anthropology"
- Michael Eberle-Sinatra (Montreal) "Shelley, deStaël, and the New European Hero"
Medical(ized) Romanticism (Organized by Joel Faflak)
- James Robert Allard (Waterloo) "John Thelwall: Political Physician"
- Michelle Faubert (Toronto) "Contextualizing John Clare: Fragments and Confinement"
- D.M.R. Bentley (Western Ontario) "Busy People, Mind Cure, and Therapeutic Scenery in Canada and Canadian Poetry, 1880-1900"
Pathology/Anthropology: Disease, Consumption, and Junk (Organized by Joel Faflak)
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "Pathologies of Spirit: Dialectic and Disease in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature"
- Peter Melville (McMaster) "Feasting Philosophers/Unruly Guests: Indulgence and Self-Consumption in Kant’s Anthropology"
- David L. Clark (McMaster) "Junk Philosophy: Kant on Drugs"
Life Writing 1780-1850 (Organized by Anthony Harding)
- Pam Perkins, "The Autobiographical Letters of Eliza Southgate Bowne (1783-1809)"
- Shawn Leowen, "Gilbert White’s Epistolary Life: The Place of the Subject in The Natural History of Selborne"
- Claire Grogan, "The Economic Cost of Sexual Emancipation: The Politics of Life-Writing in Elizabeth Hamilton’s Fiction"
- Carol Hart, "Political Tourism: Revolution, Reaction, and Social Self-Fashioning in Lady Morgan’s France"
Romantics After Romanticism (Organized by Ian Balfour)
- Jennifer Jones, "Authority in Time: Mary Shelley’s The Last Man"
- Michael Eberle-Sinatra, "Leigh Hunt: a Victorian Biographer?"
- Len Findlay, "Mystery Paper"
Reading Between the Canons I (Organized by Julia M. Wright)
- Gary Kelly (Alberta) "Spiked Canons: Popular Print, Romanticism, and Literature"
- Karen Heaton Manarin (Mount Royal) "Education, Nation, and Empire: The Editing of Wordsworth"
- Esther Wohlgemut (Ottawa) "Byron's Pilgrim: The Romantic Traveller"
Reading Between the Canons II (Organized by Julia M. Wright)
- Lisa Vargo (Saskatchewan) "Reading Between the Lyrical Ballads and the Lyrical Tales"
- Julie Murray (York) "The Affective Labour of Language: Baillie, Wordsworth and the 'Real Language of Men'"
- Tilottama Rajan (Western Ontario) "Revolution and Canonisation: Godwin's 'Editing' of Wollstonecraft"
- Paul Keen (Simon Fraser) "'A Memorable Grave': Charles Lloyd's Edmund Oliver and the Death of the Masculine Woman"
Reading Between English and European Romanticism I (Organized by Tilottama Rajan)
- Joel Faflak (Western Ontario/Laurier) "Schopenhauer and De Quincey: Autobiography, Philosophy, and the Missed Encounter of Psychoanalysis"
- Denise Gigante (Princeton) "Eating Wordsworth, Excreting Schelling: Creation via Purgation in British-European Romanticism"
- David L. Clark (McMaster) "Germanenglish is Englishgerman: Schelling's Empiricism"
Reading Between English and European Romanticism II (Organized by Tilottama Rajan)
- Sophie Thomas (Toronto) "Seeing Things ('as they are'): Coleridge, Schiller, and the Play of Semblance"
- Grace Kehler (McMaster) "The Long Romanticism: Wagner and British Fiction at the fin de siecle"
- William S. Davis (Colorado College) "On the World Soul: Schelling, Goethe, Shelley"
- Michael Eberle-Sinatra (St. Catherine's College, Oxford) "National Perspective on Love in Hazlitt's Liber Amoris and Stendhal's De l'Amour"