All NASSR members will receive the NASSR Newsletter, information about NASSR conferences, access to the Members Directory, access to Discussion Forums, and a subscription to the interdisciplinary journal European Romantic Review (published by Routledge).  

To join NASSR and pay your NASSR dues, please create an account by filling out the information requested on this page, below, and clicking the "Continue to PayPal" button. Use this account to access member-only content, such as the forums and member directory. Membership is valid until 31 December of the year in which it is purchased. Three-year memberships are valid for the year in which they are purchased and two subsequent years, terminating also on 31 December of the third year. 

Once your account is created and dues are paid, you will receive reminders via email to renew in the future. To ensure you receive these reminders, please opt in to receiving email when you're setting up your account. (If you have already created your account, you can opt in at any time).

It is possible to create an account and be designated a "supporter" without being a member proper. To become a member, one must pay the membership dues via this site. So, if you believe you have signed up but cannot access the members-only content, this may be the issue.

To renew your account rather than create a new account, you can either follow the link in any reminder email or simply add your name, email, etc. into the Join page; payment will be applied to your existing account. 

Members of the Gesellschaft für Englische Romantik and the Japan Association of English Romanticism are invited to contact NASSR in order to secure complimentary membership. 

Options and Rates:

One-year NASSR Membership:

  • Full time waged (eg. assistant, associate, full professor): $65 USD
  • Part time (un- or partial waged) (eg. postgraduate/retired/part-time or impermanent position/unwaged): $45 USD
  • Please scroll down to make your purchase

Three-Year NASSR membership:

  • $135 USD and $195 USD.
  • Please click here for the three-year membership option. 

If you have any questions about membership, please contact Chris Bundock

Please consider an additional DONATION to NASSR. 

Like many other scholarly associations, NASSR welcomes and appreciates donations from those members who are in the position to make them. As with all revenue generated by NASSR, donations will be used for a number of worthy causes, including supporting graduate student travel, supporting conference organisers, compensating student RAs, and contributing to awards and prizes. There are no salaried workers at NASSR; all Board members are volunteers. As such, 100% of your donation is invested in the Society.  


Contributions are not tax deductible.